What Is the Difference Between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil?

Posted Mar 3rd, 2020 in CBD Products, Cannabis Products

What Is the Difference Between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil?

With all the cannabis products in the market today, you may be wondering, what is the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil?

Hemp has been around for thousands of years. It's been used to create paper, clothing, and other industrial products.

Although cannabidiol (CBD) has always been an essential chemical compound inside cannabis, it was only recently discovered in 1940.

Although hemp oil and CBD oil are similar, they are not the same.

To find out the differences between these two amazing products, check out the information below.

What Is the Difference Between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil?

The main difference between hemp oil and CBD oil is not where they come from, but how they are made.

These are both cannabis products, but they’re not manufactured the same way.

What Is Hemp Oil?

Hemp is a type of Cannabis sativa.

It's a fast-growing plant that was used for its fibre up to 10,000 years ago. It's a strong plant that provides a host of industrial uses — everything from plastics to biofuel.

Industrial hemp and recreational cannabis may both derive from Cannabis sativa, but they are not cultivated the same way. Hemp has very low levels of THC and much higher levels of CBD.

As a result, hemp oil may contain CBD, but it usually doesn't. This oil is commonly pressed from hemp seeds. Although this is a nutrient-dense and healthy product, it's often misrepresented as CBD oil for a premium price.

What Is CBD Oil?

Although hemp oils may contain CBD, CBD oil is not often derived from hemp.

CBD can also be derived from the more psychoactive strains of Cannabis sativa.

While hemp oil is made from seeds, CBD is extracted from the leaves, flowers, and stalks of cannabis. Unlike hemp seed oil, CBD is not used for its nutritional properties. Instead, researchers are increasingly interested in the potential medical benefits of CBD.

How They're Sourced

In 2018, the United States passed a bill, the Agricultural Act of 2018, legalising the industrial production of hemp.

This opened the door for not only traditional hemp products but CBD as well.

As a result, much of the CBD on the market is derived from the hemp strain of Cannabis sativa. This is because other strains of the plant are not nationally legalised the way that hemp now is.

Of course, this leads to confusion in the way these products are labelled. CBD oil may sometimes be labelled "CBD hemp oil." Although both of these oils may come from the same plant, one uses the whole plant, and the other only comes from pressed hemp seeds.

How They're Used

There's no doubt that both CBD oil and hemp oil are good for the body. However, they each have their own uses.

CBD is a cannabinoid.

This means it can interact with the human body's endocannabinoid system. This system is responsible for regulating many of the body's processes, including pain management and memory. Some researchers suggest that ingesting phytocannabinoids like CBD may help this system better complete its processes.

On the other hand, hemp seed oil is often used as a nutritional supplement or beauty product.

It contains an excellent ratio of omega fatty acids that are difficult to find in other foods.

Now You Know the Difference

It's not uncommon for new cannabis users to wonder, what is the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil?

It's a subtle difference that requires a bit of research to understand.

To learn more about the challenges and legislation surrounding CBD oil, make sure to keep scrolling our site.

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