CBD for Athletes: How CBD Can Help Your Athletic Performance

Posted Feb 4th, 2020 in CBD Products, Cannabis Products

CBD for Athletes: How CBD Can Help Your Athletic Performance

CBD oil is all the rage for controlling a variety of health problems, ranging from anxiety, depression, and pain from chronic diseases. It's a gold-mine, economically, and the industry is quickly growing.

But what does CBD oil have to offer athletes? Athletes are in a particular position and often encounter sore muscles and injuries. What good is CBD for athletes?

If you're an athlete and you're curious about how CBD oil can benefit you, keep reading to find out more!

CBD: What is it?

Simply put, CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is a cannabinoid. It's found in the hemp plant and is a cousin of marijuana. Because of this similarity, there's been much speculation about CBD producing psychosomatic effects, but it cannot.

CBD is available as a tincture, capsule, and now being approved in edibles, beverages and topicals.

CBD For Athletes: What Good is it Anyway?

CBD might seem more effective for people suffering from illnesses unrelated to sports performance, but the opposite is true! There are reasons why an athlete might consider using CBD in their practice.

1. Better Recovery

Athletes need to keep their bodies in peak condition, and they do this by working out at the gym or sticking to an exercise regimen. This can lead to soreness and additional inflammation, lengthening recovery time.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, taking CBD gives you better recovery time especially if you've exhausted your muscles during a workout session.

2. Relieves Pain Without OTC Medications

Using your body the way athletes do brings injury and pain. To perform well, popping an OTC medication to fight pain is very common.

CBD combats pain naturally with practically no side effects. Apply CBD oil in the form of a lotion or a salve is a great way to get relief directly to the site of soreness.

3. Reduce Anxiety

Gearing up for a big game or performance can be nerve-wracking for some athletes. And these nerves play a huge part in how your game progresses.

For athletes that face tremendous anxiety before heading to an event, CBD has a calming effect that reduces game-day jitters. This helps the athlete think clearly and play well. Use it after the game as well to settle down after a long game.

4. Head Injuries

Over 3 million concussions happen to athletes per year, and it's one of the most common injuries in sports.

While the research is still being studied, there's some speculation that CBD has neuroprotective properties, so those who do suffer from concussions are likely to have a less dramatic injury if they're taking CBD.

5. Boosts Immunity

Preparing for a big game and then coming down with an illness is very frustrating for an athlete.

CBD improves your immunity so you get sick less often, especially if you take it regularly.

Athletes And CBD

CBD for athletes helps improve performance, prevent serious injuries, manage pain, and more. Are you ready to add CBD to your life and enhance your athletic performance?

Are you thinking about entering the CBD industry but feeling rather lost? Never fear! Contact us today to learn everything you need to know for a thriving business!

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